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How to learn German? 5 best apps to master the language

How to learn German? 5 best apps to master the language

Foto Bob Miller
Bob Miller
Last updated: 20 December 2022

If you’re looking to learn German with an app, you’re in luck! In this article, we will review some of the top language learning apps that can help you learn German quickly and effectively. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced language learner, these apps offer a range of features and learning methods that can help you achieve your goals. From interactive lessons and games to real-life conversations with native speakers, these apps have everything you need to learn German on the go. So read on to find the best app for you and start speaking German today!

The 5 Best apps to learn German

1. Mondly

screenshots How to learn German? 5 best apps to master the language

The Mondly app uses a combination of interactive lessons, games, and real-life conversations to help users learn a new language. Mondly’s German course covers a wide range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and conversation skills, to help users develop a comprehensive understanding of the language. Some of the key features of the app include speech recognition technology that helps users improve their pronunciation, and a virtual reality component that immerses users in real-life conversations with native speakers. Overall, Mondly is a popular language learning app that can be a useful tool for anyone looking to learn German.

Why this app?

  • Very popular language learning app
  • Speech recognition technology
  • Virtual Reality conversations
Visit this app

2. Memrise

screenshots How to learn German? 5 best apps to master the language

Memrise is a language learning app that is very popular among people learning German. It offers a variety of features that make it an effective tool for language learners. Some of the key features of Memrise include its use of gamification, which makes learning fun and engaging, and its focus on vocabulary and grammar, which are key components of learning a new language. The app also offers a range of learning modes, including flashcards and multiple-choice quizzes, to help users practice and reinforce what they have learned. In addition, Memrise offers lessons taught by native speakers, which can help users improve their pronunciation and listening comprehension. Overall, Memrise is a popular and effective language learning app that can be a useful tool for anyone looking to learn German.

Why this app?

  • Effective language learning app
  • Learning with Gamification
  • Quizzes and flashcards
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3. Babbel

screenshots How to learn German? 5 best apps to master the language

One of the key reasons why Babbel is a good choice for learning German is its focus on practical, everyday conversation. The app’s lessons are designed to help users learn the vocabulary and phrases they need to have real conversations in German, rather than just focusing on theoretical grammar rules. Babbel also offers a range of interactive exercises and games to help users practice and reinforce what they have learned. In addition, the app offers lessons taught by native speakers, which can help users improve their pronunciation and listening comprehension. Overall, Babbel is a well-designed language learning app that can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to learn German.

Why this app?

  • Practice everyday conversations
  • Lessons by native speakers
  • Well designed app
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4. Pimsleur

screenshots How to learn German? 5 best apps to master the language

Pimsleur is a good choice for beginners because of its emphasis on listening and speaking. The program uses a unique method called the Pimsleur Method, which focuses on teaching users to understand and speak German through a series of graduated lessons. Each lesson builds on the previous one, introducing new vocabulary and grammar concepts at a pace that is designed to be challenging but not overwhelming. The program also includes a range of interactive exercises and real-life conversations, which can help users practice and reinforce what they have learned. Overall, Pimsleur is an effective language learning program that is particularly well-suited for beginners learning German.

Why this app?

  • Very good for beginners
  • Effective language learning program
  • Real-life conversations
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5. preply

screenshots How to learn German? 5 best apps to master the language

Preply is an online platform that connects students with tutors who offer language lessons, including lessons in German. Preply is a good choice for learning German because it offers a personalized approach to language learning. When you use Preply to learn German, you can choose a tutor who has the experience and expertise to help you reach your specific learning goals. This means that you can work with a tutor who can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make progress in your German studies. In addition, Preply offers a range of flexible scheduling options, so you can schedule your lessons at a time that is convenient for you. Overall, Preply is a good choice for anyone looking to learn German because of its personalized approach and flexible scheduling options.

Why this app?

  • Personalized learning with Tutors
  • Schedule your own lessons
  • Set your learning goals
Visit this app

Why should I learn German?


What are the benefits of learning German?

  • Career Opportunities: Germany is a leading global economy, and many international companies have operations there. Knowing German can make you a more competitive job candidate and give you a valuable skill that can set you apart from others in your field.
  • Communicating in Europe: German is also a widely spoken language in Europe. Knowing German can make it easier to communicate with people in German-speaking countries, and can enhance your travel experiences in these places.
  • Intellectual Stimulation: German is a complex and fascinating language with a rich history and culture. By learning German, you can deepen your understanding of these aspects of German-speaking societies, and gain a new perspective on the world.
  • Fun and Engaging: There are many engaging and entertaining resources available for learning German, from language learning apps and online courses to books and videos. By using these resources, you can make learning German a enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Additional Benefits

  • Improved Language Skills: Because German is a closely related to English, learning German can help you develop a better understanding of English grammar and vocabulary. This can make it easier to learn other languages in the future.
  • Cultural Treasures: Germany has a rich literary, artistic, and musical heritage, and many of these works are only available in German. By learning German, you can gain the ability to read, appreciate, and enjoy these works in their original language.
  • Connecting with Others: Whether you’re studying German in school, taking a language course, or just practicing on your own, you can join a community of people who are also interested in learning German. This can be a fun and supportive way to learn the language and make new friends.

How to choose the right app to learn German?


Choosing the right app for learning German can be a difficult task, as there are many options available. In order to make the best choice, it is important to consider a few key factors.

Learning style

The first factor to consider is your learning style. Some people prefer to learn through visual aids, such as flashcards or videos, while others prefer to learn through listening and repetition. Think about what type of learning method works best for you, and choose an app that offers that type of content.

Content and features

Another important factor to consider is the app’s content and features. Look for an app that offers a variety of content, including vocabulary, grammar, and conversation practice. Also, consider whether the app offers features such as interactive quizzes and games, which can make learning more engaging and fun.

User reviews

Before deciding on an app, it is a good idea to read user reviews to see what other people have to say about it. Look for apps with mostly positive reviews, as these are likely to be high quality and effective for learning German.


Finally, consider the price of the app. While you may be tempted to choose the cheapest option, keep in mind that the quality of the app can vary greatly. In general, it is worth investing in a high-quality app, as this will provide you with the best learning experience and improve your chances of success.

In conclusion, choosing the right app for learning German involves considering your learning style, the app’s content and features, user reviews, and price. By taking the time to research and compare different options, you can find the app that is best suited to your needs and goals.

Is german hard to learn?


One thing that may make German seem more difficult at first is the fact that it has a complex grammar structure and a number of sounds and phonetic rules that are different from those in English. For example, German has noun genders, verb conjugation, and complex sentence structures, which can be challenging for English speakers to master. However, with practice and exposure to authentic German materials, these challenges can be overcome.

How long does it take to learn German?

Learning German can take anywhere from a few months to several years, depending on how much time you are able to devote to studying and the methods you use to learn the language.

As a general rule, if you study German for an hour per day, you can expect to reach a basic level of proficiency in about 3-6 months. This would involve completing a beginner’s course or textbook, practicing listening and speaking skills, and doing regular exercises and drills to improve your vocabulary and grammar.

However, to become truly fluent in German and understand more complex grammar and vocabulary, it will likely take several years of regular study. This can involve taking more advanced courses, practicing with native speakers, and regularly reading and listening to German media.

Overall, the amount of time it takes to learn German will vary depending on your individual learning style and the amount of time and effort you are able to devote to studying.

Level of Proficiency Time Estimate (Days) Time Estimate (Hours)
Basic understanding 30-90 20-60
Conversational fluency 90-180 60-120
Writing proficiency 180-360 120-240
Native-like fluency 360+ 240+

What are the biggest challenges in learning German?

The challenges in learning German can vary depending on an individual’s native language, learning style, and goals. However, some common challenges that learners may face include:

  1. Grammar and sentence structure: German has a complex grammar system with various rules for noun gender, verb conjugation, and sentence structure. For example, German nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter, and the article and adjective endings must match the noun’s gender. This can be challenging for learners who are used to languages with simpler grammar rules.
  2. Pronunciation: German has many sounds and letter combinations that do not exist in English, such as the “ö” sound in “Möbel” (furniture) or the “ch” sound in “Bach” (brook). As a result, learners may struggle to pronounce German words accurately.
  3. Vocabulary: German vocabulary can be difficult for English speakers to learn because many words are not directly borrowed from English. For example, the German word for “teacher” is “Lehrer” (male) or “Lehrerin” (female), while the word for “classroom” is “Klassenzimmer”. This can make it challenging for learners to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words based on their English equivalents.
  4. Idioms and colloquialisms: Like any language, German has a rich collection of idioms and colloquial expressions that cannot be translated directly into English. For example, the German idiom “den Salat haben” means “to have a problem”, but literally translates to “to have the salad”. This can make it difficult for learners to understand and use these expressions correctly.
  5. Cultural differences: Learning a language also means learning about the culture and customs of the people who speak it. German culture can be quite different from that of English-speaking countries, and learners may need to adjust to new social norms and customs. For example, Germans often shake hands when meeting and greeting others, and may find it rude if this custom is not followed.

Overall, learning German can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With dedication and practice, learners can overcome these challenges and gain proficiency in the language.

Differences between formal and informal language in German


In German, as in many other languages, there is a distinction between formal and informal language. Formal language is used in more formal or professional settings, such as in a business setting, or when addressing someone you do not know well. Informal language is used in more casual or familiar settings, such as with friends or family.

There are several ways in which formal and informal language differ in German. One of the most important differences is in the pronouns and verb forms used. In formal language, the pronoun “Sie” (you) is used to address someone, regardless of whether they are singular or plural. In informal language, the pronoun “du” (you) is used to address someone in the singular, and “ihr” (you) is used for the plural. In addition, the verb forms used with these pronouns are different in formal and informal language.

Use of titles

Another difference between formal and informal language in German is in the use of titles and honorifics. In formal language, titles such as “Herr” (Mr.), “Frau” (Mrs.), or “Dr.” (Doctor) are used before a person’s last name, as a sign of respect. In informal language, these titles are not used, and people are addressed by their first names.

Phrase differences

Additionally, some words and phrases may be considered more formal or informal in German. For example, the word “bitte” (please) is considered more formal than the phrase “könntest du” (could you), which is more common in informal language.

Overall, the choice between formal and informal language in German depends on the context and the relationship between the speaker and the listener. Using the appropriate form of address and verb forms, and choosing the right words and phrases, can help learners communicate effectively in a variety of situations.

What is the fastest & best way to learn German?

Learning through a language learning app is the fastest way to learn German because it allows you to study at your own pace and convenience. With a language learning app, you can access lessons, quizzes, and other language learning tools anywhere and at any time, so you can fit your studies into your busy schedule. Additionally, many language learning apps use interactive and engaging methods, such as games and challenges, to make learning fun and enjoyable. This can help you stay motivated and engaged, and can also help you learn faster and more effectively.

How do you determine your German language level?


There are several ways to determine your German language level. Here are three common methods:

  1. Take a proficiency test: Many language schools and institutions offer standardized tests that can evaluate your German language skills. These tests typically assess your proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and can give you a good idea of your overall level. Some examples of commonly used proficiency tests for German are the Goethe-Zertifikat, the TestDaF, and the ÖSD.
  2. Use a self-assessment tool: There are also many online self-assessment tools that can help you determine your German language level. These tools often use quizzes and exercises to evaluate your skills in different areas, such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Based on your performance, the tool will provide you with an estimated language level, such as A1, A2, B1, B2, etc.
  3. Ask a teacher or tutor: If you are studying German with a teacher or tutor, they can also help you determine your language level. A teacher or tutor can evaluate your skills based on your classwork, homework, and participation in class, and provide you with feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. They can also give you recommendations for ways to improve and progress to the next level.

Overall, determining your German language level can help you set goals, track your progress, and choose the right materials and resources for your learning. Whether you use a proficiency test, a self-assessment tool, or ask a teacher or tutor, it is important to regularly evaluate your skills and keep working to improve.

Learning German through an app or class?


Learning a new language can be a challenging but rewarding experience. One important decision that language learners must make is how to approach their studies. One option is to use a language learning app, while another is to take a traditional language class. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two methods and help you decide which is right for you.


One of the key differences between learning German through an app and in a class is convenience. With an app, you can learn anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This is particularly useful for people with busy schedules who may not have time to attend a class at a set time and location. On the other hand, attending a class offers a more structured learning experience, with a set schedule and pace determined by the instructor.

Learning Experience

Another difference between the two methods is the learning experience itself. Language learning apps often offer a wide range of interactive exercises and learning materials, such as games, quizzes, and videos. This can make learning more engaging and fun, but it may also be less personalized than a traditional language class. In a class, you will typically have the opportunity to receive one-on-one instruction and feedback from your teacher, which can help you overcome any difficulties or gaps in your knowledge.

Cost of learning

Another factor to consider is cost. Language learning apps are often more affordable than traditional classes, especially if you opt for a subscription-based model. However, attending a class may offer more opportunities for speaking and practicing the language with other students, which can be a valuable part of the learning process.

Overall, the choice between learning German through an app or in a class will depend on individual learning preferences and needs. Here is an html table comparing the two methods:

Learning German through an app Learning German in a class
Convenient and accessible from anywhere with an internet connection Typically requires physically attending a class at a set time and location
May be self-paced, allowing the user to learn at their own speed Typically follows a set schedule and pace determined by the instructor
Usually offers a range of interactive exercises and learning materials May offer a more personalized learning experience with one-on-one instruction and feedback
Can be more affordable than traditional language classes May offer more opportunities for speaking and practicing the language with other students in class

How to learn the basics of German?


Start with the German Alphabet

Learning the alphabet, numbers, and common greetings and phrases in German is a great way to get started with the language. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Start by learning the German alphabet, which is similar to the English alphabet but includes four additional letters: ä, ö, ü, and ß. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of these letters, as they can be challenging for English speakers.
  2. Next, learn the numbers in German. Unlike English, German numbers are always written out as words, rather than being represented by numerals. For example, the number “1” is written as “eins” in German.
  3. Once you know the alphabet and numbers, you can start learning some basic greetings and phrases in German. Some common greetings include “Hallo” (hello), “Guten Tag” (good day), and “Auf Wiedersehen” (goodbye).
  4. To practice your German, try using the phrases you’ve learned in conversation with other people who speak the language. You can also listen to German music, watch German TV shows or movies, or read books in German to get a feel for the rhythm and sound of the language.
  5. Consider enrolling in a German language course or joining a language exchange program to learn more about the language and practice speaking with native speakers. This will help you improve your pronunciation and gain a better understanding of the grammar and syntax of German.

Overall, the key to learning the alphabet, numbers, and common greetings and phrases in German is to practice regularly and immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. By using the tips above, you can start learning German and begin to develop your skills in the language.

German Vocabulary

Learning German vocabulary can be a challenging but rewarding task. There are a few different approaches you can take to learn new words and expand your German vocabulary.

One approach is to use flashcards. Write the German word on one side of the card and the English translation on the other side. Then, test yourself by trying to recall the English translation when you see the German word and vice versa. This can be a helpful way to memorize new vocabulary.

Another approach is to immerse yourself in the language by listening to German music, watching German movies or TV shows, and reading German books or articles. This will expose you to a variety of vocabulary in a natural and engaging way. It can also help you to understand how words are used in different contexts and improve your overall comprehension of the language.

German English
das Haus the house
das Buch the book
der Tisch the table
die Katze the cat
die Blume the flower
der Apfel the apple
der Tisch the table
die Sonne the sun
der Baum the tree
der Mond the moon
der Hund the dog
der Stuhl the chair

Note: This table is just an example and is not intended to be a comprehensive list of German vocabulary.

German Grammar

German grammar is known for its complex system of noun declensions and verb conjugations, which can be challenging for learners to master. However, once you understand the rules of German grammar, it becomes a logical and systematic language that is actually quite easy to learn.

Here are some key points to keep in mind as you start learning German grammar:

Noun declensions

In German, nouns can change their form depending on their function in a sentence (such as their role as the subject or object of a sentence) and their grammatical case (such as the nominative, accusative, or dative case). For example, the noun “der Hund” (the dog) changes to “den Hund” in the accusative case when it is the direct object of a sentence.

Verb conjugations

German verbs also change their form depending on the subject of the sentence and the tense in which they are used. For example, the verb “to eat” (essen) becomes “ich esse” (I eat) in the present tense.

Word order

German word order is similar to that of English, with the subject, verb, and object typically occurring in that order in a sentence. However, word order is more flexible in German than in English, and the placement of certain elements in a sentence can change depending on the emphasis or focus you want to place on a particular word or phrase.

Tips for mastering German grammar:

  • Practice regularly: The best way to learn German grammar is to practice regularly, whether that means speaking with native speakers, writing in German, or using online resources to test your skills. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the rules of German grammar.
  • Use resources: There are many resources available to help you learn German grammar, including textbooks, online courses, and apps. These can provide valuable guidance and explanations to help you understand the rules of German grammar and how to use them correctly.
  • Learn by example: One of the best ways to learn German grammar is to look at examples of correct usage and try to emulate them in your own writing and speaking. By seeing how native speakers use the language, you can develop a better understanding of German grammar and how to use it correctly.

In conclusion, German grammar can be challenging at first, but with regular practice and the use of resources, it becomes a logical and systematic language that is not as difficult to learn as it may initially seem. By understanding the rules of noun declensions and verb conjugations and practicing regularly, you can master German grammar and become fluent in the language.

German Pronunciation

German pronunciation is unique in several ways, and mastering it can be a challenge for learners of the language. Here are some key points to keep in mind as you start learning German pronunciation:

Consonant sounds: German has several consonant sounds that are not found in English, including the “ch” sound (as in the word “Bach”), the “w” sound (as in the word “Wasser”), and the “r” sound (which is pronounced differently than in English). These sounds can be difficult for English speakers to produce, but with practice, you can learn to pronounce them correctly.

Vowel sounds: German also has several vowel sounds that are not found in English, including the “ü” sound (as in the word “über”) and the “ö” sound (as in the word “öffnen”). These sounds can be challenging to produce, but learning the correct mouth and tongue positions can help you pronounce them correctly.

Word stress: In German, word stress is typically placed on the first syllable of a word. This is different from English, where word stress can fall on any syllable in a word. Learning to place the correct stress on words is important for speaking German clearly and accurately.

Where in the world is the German language used and spoken?


German is a West Germanic language that is primarily spoken in Central Europe. It is the most widely spoken native language in the European Union, and one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. In Europe, German is the official language of Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland. It is also spoken by significant minorities in other countries, such as Belgium and Italy.


In terms of geography, German-speaking countries and regions are primarily located in Central Europe. Germany, the largest German-speaking country, is located in the heart of Europe and shares borders with nine other countries. Austria is located in the southeastern part of Germany, and is also surrounded by several other countries. The German-speaking region of Switzerland is located in the heart of the country, and is made up of several cantons.

In terms of the distribution of speakers, the vast majority of German speakers live in Germany. In fact, more than 90% of all German speakers live in this country. This is followed by Austria, where German is the official language and is spoken by the majority of the population. In Switzerland, German is one of four official languages and is spoken by about two-thirds of the population. German is also spoken by significant minorities in other European countries. For example, in Belgium, German is one of three official languages and is spoken by a significant minority in the eastern part of the country. In Italy, German is spoken by a small minority in the northern part of the country, near the border with Austria and Switzerland.

German abroad

In addition to Europe, German is also spoken by significant communities in other parts of the world, such as North and South America, Australia, and Africa. For example, in the United States, German is the second most commonly spoken language after English, and is spoken by millions of people, especially in the Midwest. In Brazil, German is spoken by a large community, especially in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Overall, the geographic distribution of German-speaking countries and regions is primarily concentrated in Central Europe, with significant communities also found in other parts of the world.

History and origins of the German language


The German language is a West Germanic language that is primarily spoken in Central Europe. It is the most widely spoken native language in the European Union, and one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

Early History

The German language has its roots in the languages and dialects spoken by the Germanic tribes that migrated to Central Europe during the Migration Period, which began in the 4th century AD. These tribes spoke a variety of languages and dialects, including Old Norse, Old High German, and Old Saxon.

Over time, these languages and dialects evolved and merged to form the early versions of the German language. One of the key factors that contributed to the development of German was the spread of Christianity throughout the region, which led to the translation of religious texts into German.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the German language continued to evolve and diversify. In the 8th and 9th centuries, the Old High German dialects emerged as the dominant form of the language, and were used in literature, religion, and government.

In the 13th and 14th centuries, Middle High German became the dominant form of the language, and was used in literature, science, and philosophy. This period saw the emergence of a standardized written form of German, which was based on the Middle High German dialects spoken in the cities of Frankfurt and Strasbourg.

Modern German

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the modern German language began to emerge. This was the result of the standardization of the language, which was influenced by the rise of the printing press and the translation of the Bible into German. During this time, the German language also began to be used in more domains, such as law, commerce, and administration. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the German language continued to evolve and adapt to new developments, such as the rise of national states and the growth of mass media.

Today, German is the official language of Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland, and is spoken by more than 100 million people worldwide.

Influence of German on other languages


German has had a significant influence on many languages, including English and Spanish.

One of the most obvious ways that German has influenced English is through the adoption of many German words into the English language. For example, words such as “kindergarten,” “delicatessen,” “poltergeist,” and “wanderlust” all come from German. In addition to individual words, German has also influenced the grammar and syntax of English in various ways. For example, the use of verb tenses in English is largely based on the way they are used in German.

Spanish, like English, has also borrowed many words from German. However, the influence of German on Spanish is less prominent than that of other languages such as Arabic or French. Some examples of German words that have been adopted into Spanish include “bistec” (beefsteak), “embotellado” (bottled), and “radiografía” (radiograph).

In addition to vocabulary, German has also influenced the phonology (sound system) of some languages. For example, the so-called “hard” German consonants, such as /p/, /t/, and /k/, have influenced the way these sounds are pronounced in languages like English and Spanish.

Overall, the influence of German on other languages can be seen in the many words that have been borrowed from German and in the way it has influenced grammar and phonology. While the influence of German on English and Spanish is not as significant as that of other languages, it is still an important part of the history and development of these languages.

The role of German in literature, art, and music


The German language has played a significant role in the world of literature, art, and music for centuries. In literature, German has been used by some of the most renowned and influential writers in history, including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Thomas Mann. German-language literature is known for its rich and complex storytelling, as well as its deep philosophical and psychological insights.

German Art

In the world of art, German has also been an important language. German artists such as Albrecht Dürer, Max Ernst, and Gerhard Richter have made significant contributions to the development of various art movements, including Renaissance painting, Surrealism, and Expressionism. German art is known for its emotional intensity and powerful expressions of the human experience.

German Music

German has also been a significant language in the world of music. Classical composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Richard Wagner were all German speakers, and their works are considered some of the greatest achievements in the history of music. German music is known for its technical precision and emotional depth, and it continues to be a major influence in the world of classical music today.

In conclusion, German has played a vital role in the development of literature, art, and music. German-language writers, artists, and musicians have made significant contributions to these fields, and their works continue to be celebrated and studied around the world.

How can you learn German on your own?


1. Taking a physical German Class

There are many benefits to taking a physical German class, as opposed to studying the language on your own or through online courses. For one, a physical class provides a structured learning environment that can help you stay focused and motivated. In a class, you will have a teacher who can provide guidance and answer any questions you may have about the language. Additionally, a physical class allows you to learn from and interact with other students, which can help you improve your language skills more quickly.

One of the biggest benefits of taking a physical German class is that it allows you to practice speaking and listening to the language in a real-world setting. This can be especially helpful for learning a language like German, which has a complex grammar and pronunciation. In a physical class, you will have the opportunity to participate in group activities and discussions, which can help you improve your speaking and listening skills.

Another benefit of taking a physical German class is that it provides a more immersive learning experience. In a physical class, you will be surrounded by other students who are also learning the language, which can help you feel more connected to the language and culture. Additionally, a physical class can provide a more engaging and interactive learning experience than studying on your own, which can help you stay motivated and engaged in the material.

Overall, taking a physical German class can provide a structured, interactive, and immersive learning experience that can help you learn the language more quickly and effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced language learner, a physical German class can provide valuable benefits that will help you improve your language skills.

2. Online German Class

Another option is taking an online class. Online classes offer greater flexibility and convenience, as you can access course materials and complete assignments from anywhere with an internet connection. This can be especially beneficial for students who have busy schedules or who are unable to attend physical classes due to geographical location.

Another benefit of taking an online German class is that it allows you to learn at your own pace. In an online class, you can move through the material as quickly or slowly as you need, and you can review material as many times as you need to fully understand it. This can be especially helpful for students who are learning a language for the first time, or who need extra support to master certain concepts.

Online German classes can also be a cost-effective option. In many cases, online classes are less expensive than physical classes, and they may offer additional features such as access to online resources and support from language experts. Additionally, online classes can often be completed in a shorter amount of time than physical classes, which can save you time and money.

Overall, online German classes offer a flexible, convenient, and cost-effective way to learn the language. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced language learner, online classes can provide valuable benefits that will help you improve your language skills.

3. Find a German language Exchange partner

One of the best ways to find a German language exchange partner is to join a language exchange community or website. These communities connect language learners from around the world, and they provide a platform for you to find and connect with potential language exchange partners.

To find a language exchange partner on a community or website, you can start by creating a profile that includes information about your language level, interests, and goals. You can then use the search function on the site to find other users who are interested in practicing German. Some communities and websites also allow you to search for potential partners based on location, so you can find someone who lives near you.

Once you have found a potential language exchange partner, you can start a conversation to get to know each other and discuss your language learning goals. It can be helpful to set up regular language exchange sessions, where you can practice speaking and listening to German together. These sessions can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through online video chat, depending on your preference and location.

In addition to language exchange communities and websites, there are also other ways to find a German language exchange partner. For example, you can join a local language learning group or club, where you can meet other language learners and practice speaking German together. You can also try reaching out to German-speaking friends or acquaintances, or use social media to connect with potential language exchange partners.

Overall, joining a language exchange community or website is a great way to find a German language exchange partner. With a little effort and patience, you can find a partner who can help you improve your German language skills and have fun practicing the language together.

Here are five language exchange community websites where you can find a German language exchange partner:

  1. Tandem: This is a popular language exchange platform that connects language learners from around the world. On Tandem, you can search for potential partners based on location, language, and interests, and you can communicate with them through the platform’s messaging system.
  2. ConversationExchange: This website allows you to search for language exchange partners based on language, location, and other criteria. You can also use the site to find language learning groups and events in your area.
  3. MyLanguageExchange: This is another popular language exchange platform that connects learners from around the world. You can use the site to search for potential partners, and you can communicate with them through the platform’s messaging system.
  4. Polyglot Club: This website connects language learners who are interested in practicing different languages together. You can search for potential partners based on language and location, and you can also attend local events and meetups to practice speaking German with other learners.
  5. Bilingua: This is a language exchange app that allows you to connect with potential partners and practice speaking German on the go. You can use the app to search for partners based on language and location, and you can communicate with them through the app’s messaging system.

Overall, these websites and apps can provide a convenient and effective way to find a German language exchange partner and start practicing the language together.

4. Learning German in Germany


On of the best ways to learn German is to go to their country because:

  • It provides an immersive learning environment

One of the biggest benefits of learning German in Germany is that it provides an immersive learning environment. By living and studying in Germany, you will be surrounded by the language and culture on a daily basis, which can help you learn the language more quickly and effectively. You will also have the opportunity to participate in real-life conversations and activities, which can help you improve your speaking and listening skills.

  • It offers access to authentic resources and experiences

Another benefit of learning German in Germany is that it offers access to authentic resources and experiences. In Germany, you will have access to a wide range of German language materials, such as books, magazines, and television shows, which can help you improve your reading and comprehension skills. You will also have the opportunity to visit cultural sites and participate in local events, which can provide valuable insights into the German language and culture.

  • It allows you to learn from qualified instructors

Learning German in Germany also allows you to learn from qualified instructors who are native speakers of the language. In Germany, you can enroll in language schools or universities that offer German language courses, where you will have access to experienced and knowledgeable teachers who can provide guidance and support as you learn the language. This can be especially helpful for students who are learning German for the first time, or who need extra support to master certain concepts.

Overall, learning German in Germany provides an immersive, authentic, and well-supported learning environment that can help you improve your language skills more quickly and effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced language learner, studying German in Germany can provide valuable benefits that will help you succeed in your language learning journey.

How to learn German for free?

5. Learning German trough Youtube

You can learn German with YouTube by watching videos that are designed to teach the language. There are many YouTube channels that offer German language lessons, tutorials, and other resources that can help you learn the language. Some examples of good YouTube videos about learning German include:

In addition to watching language lessons and tutorials, you can also use YouTube to access authentic German language materials, such as TV shows, movies, and news broadcasts. By watching these materials, you can improve your listening and comprehension skills, and learn more about the culture and daily life in Germany.

Overall, YouTube can be a valuable resource for learning German. By watching videos that are designed to teach the language, you can gain valuable insights into grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and you can access authentic materials that can help you improve your language skills.

6. Learning German with books


Learning German with books is a great way to improve your language skills and advance your understanding of the language. Here are five examples of famous or good books for learning German:

  1. “Deutsch im Blick” – This textbook is designed for beginners and provides a comprehensive introduction to the German language, including grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
  2. “Schritte International” – This popular textbook series is designed for learners at the intermediate level and covers all aspects of the language, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  3. “Die drei ??? Kids” – This series of books is perfect for younger learners who want to improve their German reading skills. The books are mystery stories and are written in simple, easy-to-understand German.
  4. “Der kleine Prinz” – This classic children’s book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been translated into German and is a great way to improve your reading and vocabulary skills.
  5. “Lernziel Deutsch” – This textbook is designed for advanced learners who want to improve their German grammar and vocabulary. It includes challenging exercises and activities to help you take your language skills to the next level.

7. Learning German with movies & tv series

Watching movies and TV series can be a fun and effective way to learn German. By immersing yourself in the language and culture through visual media, you can improve your listening and comprehension skills and pick up new vocabulary and expressions. Here are five movies and five TV series that can help you learn German:


  1. “Goodbye Lenin!” – This award-winning comedy-drama follows a young man who must keep his mother from discovering the truth about the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  2. “Das Leben der Anderen” – This Academy Award-winning thriller tells the story of a playwright who is under surveillance by the East German secret police.
  3. “Das Boot” – This classic World War II film follows the crew of a German U-boat as they embark on a dangerous mission.
  4. “Lola rennt” – This action-packed thriller follows a woman who has just 20 minutes to save her boyfriend’s life.
  5. “Im Juli” – This coming-of-age road trip movie follows a young man who sets off on a journey across Europe to find his long-lost father.

TV series:

  1. “Deutschland 83” – This critically-acclaimed drama series follows a young East German soldier who is recruited as a spy for the West.
  2. “Dark” – This eerie sci-fi series follows the residents of a small German town as they unravel a series of mysterious events.
  3. “Tatort” – This long-running crime series follows teams of detectives as they investigate cases in different cities across Germany.
  4. “Der Bergdoktor” – This popular medical drama series is set in the beautiful Bavarian Alps and follows a doctor as he tends to the medical needs of the local community.
  5. “Die Rosenheim-Cops” – This light-hearted police procedural series follows a team of detectives as they investigate crimes in the picturesque town of Rosenheim.

8. Learn German with Flash Cards


Using flashcards is a simple and effective way to learn German. Flashcards can help you memorize new vocabulary, practice grammar rules, and improve your overall language skills.

To create flashcards, you can use index cards or an online flashcard app. On one side of the card, write the English word or phrase, and on the other side, write the corresponding German translation. You can also add other information, such as the gender of the word, the plural form, or an example sentence.

To use the flashcards, go through the deck and test yourself on the English-German translations. As you get better at remembering the words and phrases, you can gradually reduce the amount of information on each card. For example, you could start by showing the English and German translation on the same card, then move to just the English on one side and the German on the other, and finally just the German on one side and the English on the back.

Using flashcards is a good way to learn German because it allows you to study at your own pace and focus on the areas where you need the most help. It’s also a fun and engaging way to learn, and you can take the flashcards with you wherever you go and study on the go.

9. Learn German with gaming

Learning German through gaming is a fun and interactive way to improve your language skills. By playing video games and board games in German, you can immerse yourself in the language and culture and pick up new vocabulary and expressions. Here are five video games and five board games that can help you learn German:

Video games:

  1. “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” – This popular fantasy role-playing game is available in German and features an immersive story and complex characters.
  2. “Assassin’s Creed Valhalla” – This action-adventure game is set in Viking-era England and Norway and is available in German.
  3. “FIFA” – This popular soccer game features teams from around the world and is available in German.
  4. “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” – This open-world fantasy game is available in German and offers countless hours of gameplay and exploration.
  5. “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” – This classic racing game is available in German and is fun for players of all ages.

Board games:

  1. “Carcassonne” – This popular tile-laying game is set in the medieval French city of Carcassonne and is available in German.
  2. “Catan” – This classic board game is set on the island of Catan and is available in German.
  3. “Ticket to Ride” – This strategic board game is set on a map of Europe and is available in German.
  4. “Pandemic” – This cooperative board game challenges players to work together to save the world from a deadly virus outbreak and is available in German.
  5. “Die Siedler von Catan” – This popular board game is set on the island of Catan and is available in German.

10. German Podcasts

Podcasts can be a great resource for learning German, as they allow you to practice your listening and comprehension skills while on the go. There are many different podcasts available that cater to German learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. Here are a few examples of some of the best podcasts for learning German:

  1. “Deutsch lernen mit Coffee Break German” is a podcast that provides conversational lessons on various topics in German. Each episode covers a specific theme and includes dialogues, exercises, and explanations to help you practice your listening and speaking skills.
  2. “Lingoda German Podcast” is a podcast that provides lessons on various topics in German, including grammar, vocabulary, and culture. Each episode includes dialogues, exercises, and explanations to help you practice your skills.
  3. “Der Deutsche Welle Podcast” is a podcast produced by the German public broadcasting company Deutsche Welle. The podcast covers a variety of topics and includes both spoken and written content to help you practice your listening, reading, and comprehension skills.
  4. “Notes in German” is a podcast that features conversations between a native German speaker and a native English speaker. Each episode focuses on a specific theme and includes exercises and explanations to help you understand the conversation.

By listening to podcasts like these regularly, you can improve your German skills and learn about German culture and society. Remember to choose podcasts that are appropriate for your current level of proficiency, and try to challenge yourself by listening to content that is slightly beyond your current skills. With time and practice, you can make progress in your German learning journey.

How to maintain your German?


Maintaining and continuing to learn German once the basics have been mastered can be achieved through a variety of methods. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Practice speaking and listening: One of the best ways to maintain and continue to improve your German skills is to practice speaking and listening to the language on a regular basis. You can do this by having conversations with native German speakers, watching German TV shows and movies, or listening to German radio programs.
  2. Read German books and articles: Reading is a great way to improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills in any language. Try reading books, articles, and other written materials in German to continue to build your knowledge of the language.
  3. Join a language learning community: There are many online communities and forums where German learners can connect and practice their skills with each other. Joining one of these communities can provide you with a support network of fellow learners and access to a wide range of resources and advice for continuing to learn German.
  4. Take a German language course: If you want to continue to make progress in your German studies, consider taking a German language course. This can provide you with structured lessons and practice opportunities, as well as the chance to learn from a trained language instructor.
  5. Use language learning apps and software: There are many language learning apps and software programs available that can help you continue to learn and improve your German skills. These can provide you with interactive lessons, quizzes, and other tools to help you learn at your own pace and track your progress.

Overall, the key to maintaining and continuing to learn German is to make it a regular part of your life. Try to incorporate German practice into your daily routine, and seek out opportunities to use the language in real-life situations. With dedication and persistence, you can continue to make progress in your German studies.


In conclusion, learning German can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Whether you are a beginner just starting to learn the basics of the language, or a more advanced learner looking to improve your skills, there are many methods and resources available to help you on your language learning journey.

By practicing speaking and listening, reading German books and articles, joining a language learning community, taking a German language course, and using language learning apps and software, you can continue to make progress in your German studies and become more proficient in the language.

Ultimately, the key to success in learning German is to be consistent and persistent in your studies. By setting goals and committing to regular practice, you can build your confidence and skills in the language, and open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth. With hard work and dedication, you can become fluent in German and enjoy all the benefits that this beautiful language has to offer.

foto auteur Bob Miller
This article is written by Bob Miller

Bob Miller is a writer and journalist based in New York City. He has been writing professionally for over 10 years, and his work has been featured in a number of online publications. Bob has a passion for storytelling and has written extensively on a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and the arts. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with his family.

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